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One of the most common questions we get from our clients when we are putting together health care power of attorney documents is whether the document will allow their designee to put them into a nursing home against their wishes, because, “I want to live at home until I die.” In typical lawyer fashion, we answer, “It depends.”
Health care power of attorney powers do not kick in automatically, so you need not worry about being “put into the old folks home” the minute you sign the document. The powers you are giving your designee are “springing,” which means they spring into effect only when needed – when you are unable to make decisions for yourself.
This means you cannot be put into a nursing home if you do not want to be so long as you are able to adequately care for yourself or arrange for someone else to care for you in your home.
If, at some point in time, you can no longer physically take care of yourself and are mentally unable to make arrangements for someone else to care for you, the health care power of attorney then springs into effect. The person you designated then has full authority to direct your care, which includes the power to put you into a nursing home or other facility.
There are certain things you can do to help you maintain your independence as long as possible.